Welcome to Walker Design.

Orion Miami
Canopy Structure
Orlando Florida

Ocean Prime at ‘The Rialto’ has partnered with Walker Design to create an entry sequence that will serve to elevate their establishment above the competition within Orlando’s ‘Restaurant Row’. The restaurants along Sand Lake Rd are competing for the tourism and convention center dinner crowd, thus having protection from the elements is a coveted feature in the Florida climate.

The design goal of this project was not only to provide weather protection, but to provide a memorable entry experience for guests.

The canopy form consists of four tectonic planes working collectively along a steel armature to create an entry sequence that appears to be hovering elegantly above the ground plane. The scale of the four individual forms are indicators of the function sheltered beneath. The largest plane is associated with the scale and movement of vehicular traffic. While the two medium sized overhead planes are associated with the scale and movement of the pedestrian which leads contiguously to the front doors of the two associated restaurants. While the fourth and smallest plane is central and rests above the built-in place valet stand.

The materiality, texture and rhythm of the canopy are harmonious with the existing campus allowing the new modern addition to appear as a contextual response while serving as a new moment of entry for guests.

Establishing an Entry Experience

Orion Miami

Project Partners

  • Ingenuity Engineers
  • RLH Construction